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There are lots of way to make money on the Internet, that's why I'm here to give you an idea on how to make money online.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Being able to make money online is about mindset!

Author: Purva Mewar

Amongst the first few reactions to "why don't you start to work at home to make money online?" are "oh! well I don't think I can...,I have never given it a thought, I am not cut out for it, I don't have the patience"... etc. And if you look at all these reactions closely you will see, that they are all reflections of one's mind set.

And fortunately mindset is not something we are born with. Mindset is something we can develop. Its in our control. We can change the way we think. We can condition our mind to think in a certain direction. If you think you can, you can. If you
think you can't, you are right!

To make money at home, what's required is a computer and access to internet.
Tools and guidance are available online, free. No investment, no hidden costs, so much freedom and SO MUCH MONEY!!! You can't ask for more. All that's left is a mindset - that you can do it. And why not! So many people across the globe are making a living online! It requires patience. But don't forget when money pours, it exceeds all your expectations...
Just make sure to plan well. Try to be as organized as possible. And decide in advance, what and how will you like to sell. Your message/content of the website should be aspiring... sell the pleasure of smoking
rather than cigarettes. Sell a dream house rather than real estate. My
brother sold fear of fire, and not fire extinguishers! Its a fact.
Think, observe, see which content holds your attention, why, what makes people
buy, what headlines catch your attention. Apply it all to your own
work at home business.

Work at home opportunities have changed lives of many a people across the
globe. People from walks of life make money online. Some do it full time
some part time. 15 years ago, we couldn't even have thought of a possibility to make money online but things have really changed since. Someone's mindset somewhere has made all the difference... right?

About the Author

The author is Purva Mewar webmaster
of two Work at Home Business websites and

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Simple Way to Make Money Online

Author: Colin Evans

Most people believe that making money online only involves putting up a website selling a product or service, and then promoting it.

Wrong answer! On many counts, but we'll concentrate on two of them which are closely related:

1) People don't buy products, they buy solutions to their problems...

As a general rule, people don't like the thought that their hard earned money is ending up in somebody else’s pocket. They will figure out if you're only in business to make money out of them and they will NOT buy your products.


If you're genuinely trying to HELP people and happen to make money while you're doing it, they won't mind and will buy from you (and remain lifelong customers).

In order to do that you must have 'empathy' with others. You must understand them, what they fear, what they like and what they dislike.

You MUST make the effort to understand them and when you do you'll find a lot of ways you can help them and make money too.

You might not be interested in developing your own products and services. In that case you will want to align yourself with a company, as an affiliate, that shares this mindset, the attitude of 'helping people' and 'making money'.

2) Promoting a product or website is not easy, but it can be simple...

If it was easy everybody would be making a fortune. The truth is most of the people you put your website or affiliate link in front of will not be interested.

In fact they'll ignore it, some people will go out of their way to ignore it.

Poof! That's you promotion efforts gone up in smoke.

Consider this scenario: You have found a solution to a problem you've had and you know that there are other people facing the same issue. If you told them about the 'cure' for their problem, what do you think they are most likely to do?

You got it! They will take a look at the solution you provided and won't mind spending money, sometimes huge amounts of money, on the 'solution to their problem.' The fact that it was your product or an affiliate product, and you made money from their purchase won't bother them in the slightest.

Now how simple is that?

It's not easy, sure, but the concept is real simple. Identify the problems people face and offer them solutions.

How can you do this?

One effective way is to build a list. Offer people solutions to their problems in exchange for their contact details. The solutions you offer will be your own products and affiliate products.

Just make sure you don't 'sell' your products to your list. Let me put it this way... people won't buy a drill because they want a drill, they want a hole. Don't sell them drills, offer them 'holes any where they want and in any size they want.'

About the Author

Colin Evans is webmaster of and editor of CAtZ, the newsletter that teaches you how to earn your living online.
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Saturday, March 15, 2008

5 Powerful Ways to Make Money Online with a Website

Author: Michael Turner

There are many ways to make money online and the best way for you is to simply be creative with your skills, knowledge, and abilities. However, the following five options are powerful ways to make money online with a website and definite something you should consider.

#1 Knowledge
You can always sell your knowledge, which many times is the best way if you are an “expert” of any type or subject matter. People are looking for your knowledge and input, regardless if it is self taught, learned in college, or wherever. People are always looking for answers online, so if you sell your knowledge you can simply make money from what you know.

#2 Affiliate Programs
Become an affiliate for products based on your website theme and then simply promote these programs where you earn money from referrals. It is easier than it sounds and only takes you creating a website full of rich content.

#3 Hard Goods
Selling hard goods is a traditional way of making money and it transfers to the online forum as well. No matter what hard goods you have to sell you can certainly find a buyer online. Create a website that focuses on your goods, have a good shipping plan in place, and then start selling online.

#4 E-books
Selling e-books, articles, and other written materials is also a powerful way to make money online and if you are good at writing it is certainly something you should consider. You can have your own website selling pre-written topics or else you can also write on demand, whatever works best for you and your web business.

#5 Auction Goods
Auction web sites are also very powerful ways to make money. The reason for this is you can sell a wide variety of products, do not necessarily need your own website although it helps, and can change your products from time to time as you need to. Many people enjoy working and selling via auction sites because any number of things can be sold from old personal items to new products as well.

The best way for you to make money online is for you to do something that you like and enjoy. When you do some thing you like and enjoy you will be able to commit yourself to doing it fulltime. The reason for this is working online can be difficult at times and if you do not enjoy it then it will be difficult for you to be successful making money via your website.

About the Author

Michael Turner shows you exactly how to increase web site traffic in his free 7 part mini-series. Grab it today at

Thursday, March 13, 2008

3 Quickest Ways To Make Money Online

Author: Ahmad Azwan

Are you a beginner in making money online? Worry not. Make money online is lots easier than make a living out there. There are few quick ways to make money online.

1. Google adsense.

This is the fastest many making ever. All you need to have is a website. Try to purchase a domain and create a qualitiy website contents around it. Then you can apply for Google Adsense account at What you only need to do is to promote your website and once people click (not purchase but just click!), you will get money!

There are more other advertisement publishing programs such as yahoo publishing, bidvertiser, chitika etc.

2. Affiliate programs.

This is the most popular big money making programs. What you need to do is finding a products that you want to sell and register as an affiliate. You have to find company that have affiliate options to register. The easiest way to register as affiliate is by registering with affiliate directory programs such as,,, etc.

To sell a product is not as easy as let people click on your adsense ad. You need extra effort to reach the market, pre-sell and then bring them to the merchant sell page. When they purchase, then you will get paid.

Think it is hard? What if you want to start an online business where you need first, think about what to sell, develop a product, manage your stock, register with payment processor, entertain customer complaints, refund unsatisfied customer purchase, hire staff to for help desk, register business, pay business tax and the list has no end.

3. Online survey.

This is quickest way among the 3. You can register with many companies that offer money in return of you answering their surveys. Most of big companies periodically will run a marketing survey for their new products, new target market, improved products and services etc.

You can earn up to $75 per survey completed. All you need to do is register with few established companies and wait for their surveys for you to answer. The easier way is you register with a program with list of proven paid survey programs to join. Go to for the hottest survey program.

About The Author

Ahmad Azwan is an IT consultant and an internet marketer. Has been doing good jobs in giving advice for small business to make their online existance a success. You can view his website for more related articles.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

10 Ways To Make Money With Your Web Site

Author: Darren Yates

Listed below you will find ten different ways to make money online with your site.

1: Sign up for Google Adsense and place Google ads on your site. Google will display the most appropriate ads according to your content and you will get paid for every click on an ad. People are making thousands a month with this.

2: Sell ad space on your site. You could sell banner or text ads. To make more money, sell top placement or best exposure ads at a premium.

3: Charge a fee to access part of your site. A recuring fee is best. People will pay for your site content if it's valuable to them. This could be a members forum, ebooks, software, reports etc.

4: Hire out pages on your site to other people. You could also give them away for free and make money by including your ads on the pages.

5: Sell your own products or services. They should be related to your audience.

6: Make money online selling other people's products and services through affiliate programs. You will get a unique link to enable you to track your sales. You can be paid per sale, per click or per sign-up.

7: Publish an e-zine from your web site. Have visitors subscribe to the e-zine right from the site. You could sell sell ads in the e-zine. The more subscribers you have the more you could charge.

8: Sign up with a site offering a datafeed of their product range. You can have a whole store implemented on your own site through this datafeed and all you need to do is drive traffic to it. You get paid a commission per sale.

9: Does your site have a good Page Rank in Google? You could auction off text links across your site. There are a number of text link broker sites about now to allow you to do this.

10: Create an RSS(Real Simple Syndication) feed with up to the minute content. If you have valuable information e.g. stock related news, business charge a subscription fee.

About the Author

About the Author is a site focused on Making Money Online listing the many and varied ways of making money online.

This article comes with reprint rights. You are free to reprint and distribute s you like. All that we ask is that you do not make any changes, that this resource text is include, and that the links above are intact.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How To Developed Internet Marketing Strategy?

A simple way to developed marketing strategy is using this 4 steps:

  1. Situation Analysis
  2. Segmentation
  3. Assembly Of Strategy
  4. Forecast

Situation Analysis

If you have read our blog for sometime, you might remember our post : how we know wether you can make money online? - If you don’t know your industry player you can’t make money online. This is blog post indirectly told the story of situation analysis

You need to understand who actually is making money in this kind of topic website, how they make money, who are their visitors, how they write content, and what kind of advertisment, affiliate, and thing they do in their website. With that you stand a better chance to succeed in making money online.


Just write down how you going to compete with your competitor. What is your unique selling point (USP)?

What is something that you can do that your competitor can’t do … write it down.
What is something that you have to do that your visitor want to read … write it down.

Think about your visitor characteristic and the market you are in. This will be your segmentation process. Of course, segmentation process is more then that. This is just a brief introduction about segmentation.

Assemble Of Strategy

Now, you need to assemble your promotion, program, content that gear toward this market. What is your budget? How much time you need to spend? Get a rough idea on all the thing you need to do to get your website message across to reach your target audience or market.


Testing and measure, and forecast a year from now, what will be the revenue of your adsense, your affiliate sales and your ads sales. Be realistic! After you forecast, you basically know how much work you need to do in order to achieve how much money you can make online.


To developed internet marketing strategy take experience. If you already have the experience and it’s your second website, it’s should be easy to do. But the requirement will be you need to have the figure with you for your first website.

If you just started out. Try to read our strategy blog post. We have come up with couple strategy such as long tail strategy that is best for beginner. We have try it and it’s work very well. But we can said that you need to do your segmentation very well. Our have the worst Return Of Investment (ROI) base on our few website measurement because the market is very crowded and competitive here.

Anyway, my passion is always internet startup and internet marketing. And I already spend the last 10 years to developed my skill in mastery innovation (web development technology) and marketing, that’s is crucial for internet startup. So I actually can write about this subject back of my head and it’s really cost me little to do it.

By : Ken

Monday, March 3, 2008

Make Money Online With Affiliate Program

This post from this site by Labanon

Nowadays, many newbies had dropped me an email that asking “How I want make money online”,”can you teach me how to make money online?”,”can you help me to get money through the Internet” and so on. Ok.. now I want to give the simple answer to all that question.

Join the affiliate program!

Yeah.. that’s is the simple way that the newbie can make money online! I can make around RM400 per month from the affiliate program. This step also is useful to the people that not have their own product and don’t know how to create the product. We are Malaysia… we can’t join the clickbank but we have more choice to join others affiliate. Ok.. I will share a few simple step how to make money through affiliate program.

1) Register in the affiliate program that give you the high commission to you. What can I said here.. you also can just register there a lot of local affiliate such as,, and etc. But the commission that the local IM give to you is low than global IM. Never mind at least you try it!

2) Promote the affiliate link. How to promote it? If you have the mailing list.. it’s pretty easy but how if we don’t have the mailing list? You can put the affiliate link at your blog and make sure that you choose the right affiliate program to join that really suitable or matching to your blog. Another way you also can create the landing page about the affiliate program that you join and collect the mailing list too.

3) Got the commission! Yeah.. you can wait for you commission now

Remember you can earn more money from the affiliate program and you also can be millionaire! I also have the simple step that I take from

Quick Start Guide To Make Money Online With Atomic Blogging:

Step 1 - Sign Up For Your FREE ClickBank Account To Start Making Money

Step 2 - Sign Up For Atomic Blogging Affiliate Program

Step 3 - Login To Atomic Blogging Affiliate Network To Get Your Affiliate Tools